Friday, January 27, 2012

overwhelmed with joy.

i am extremely thankful for harpeth hall school. on the service learning leadership council bulletin board, there is a “joy for jinja corner” with little cards hung up with pen-pals and their stories. the girls 1. select a card, 2. register their penpals here:
and then 3. deliver their letters once a month in the mailbox, also on the board.
i made the joy for jinja corner on wed., and sent an email out about it wed. night.
ON THURSDAY, a day after the email was sent, EVERY SINGLE CARD WAS CHOSEN. the board is EMPTY!! the entire school was enthusiastic and supportive, and the joy was truly contagious. i know this sounds cheesy, but i could not be more excited or more thankful for everyone who is so eager to be a part of this.
one of the sweetest girls in our grade told me, “i’m gonna treat this baby like he was my child.” she even has his birthday in her calendar.
her simple words brought tears to my eyes. the opportunity to LOVE these children spreads joy both ways. the k-love bible verse of the day couldn’t be more fitting:
Give, and you will receive. Your gift will return to you in full—pressed down, shaken together to make room for more, running over, and poured into your lap. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back.
  —Luke 6:38, NLT
the gift of joy was returned in full this week- it is running over, and poured into our laps. and YES, we are making room for MORE! :)
while yes, the board is empty, there are two children per card and some girls choosing to write one of the two. that being said, there are PLENTY of children left to love on, so let me know if you would still like a pen pal.
i am currently checking off the kids who have been registered, and will post all the remaining children on the joy for jinja board next week.
thank you for spreading joy!

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